20,000+ Free Health Screenings
Through our Annual Caribbean Health Summit
75% Uninsured and Underinsured
95% Satisfaction Exhibitors/Attendees
1,500 Community Partners
2,000+ Volunteers
50+ Lives saved due to immediate referral to address abnormal issues
75% of Funding
Funding spent on Client Services
98% Customers Satisfied with services received
Services delivered in 4 different languages (English, Spanish, Creole, & French)
80% of staff speaks 2 to 3 languages
500+ unduplicated clients annually
Services Provided in Seminole, Lake, Osceola and Orange Counties
12,000+ Clients
Assisted since 1995
1,520 Moved into Permanent Housing
4.250 we Homeless and placed in Facility-Based Housing
90% were Families with women as head of household
60% were single women with 1 or more children
95% Client retention in all Housing programs
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Our Services
Providing support for those truly in need
The core of this organization is to educate those in the targeted communities and to facilitate access to Health Care Services throughout Central Florida.
Small changes make a big difference
Help us to continue to be a source of help for the community by donating. Any amount is helpful and it goes a long way.